Advantages of Keyless Door Locks

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Our team at A. L. Odom Locksmiths, Inc. knows that you care about your business, and we want to help you make it the best it can be. One of the ways we can do this is by providing and installing keyless door locks in your facility. In this article, we’ll go over some of the advantages of keyless door locks in order to help you decide if they are right for your business.

Advantages of Keyless Door Locks

  • Access Control- One of the main advantages of keyless door locks is that they provide better access control. Physical keys can be lost or copied, which makes it harder to prevent bad actors from accessing your building when they shouldn’t. Keyless locks remove this weakness and provide better security.
  • No Re-Keying Necessary- Another advantage of keyless door locks is that they are much easier to reset than keyed ones. Instead of having to have all of your exterior locks re-keyed in the event of a security breach, you can simply reprogram the locks with a new combination, or issue a new RFID tag for employee IDs.
  • Convenience- Lastly, keyless door locks are much more convenient than traditional ones. Instead of having to fumble for a physical key every time you want to enter a building or room, you can simply scan an ID tag or enter a passcode. These locks are also easy to install and can be retrofitted to existing systems in very little time. They are a great option for both security and convenience, and we encourage you to give them a try.