Smart Home Locks, Asheville, NC

Smart home locks make access secure, easy and convenient.

When you come home every day, if you are like most Americans, one of the first things that you need to do is unlock your door to let yourself inside. However, many of us are still stuck in the era where physical keys are inserted into physical locks in order to unlock the door. What if we here at A. L. Odom Locksmiths, Inc. told you there was a more interesting and, dare we say, fun way to open your door? With everything else in the world being advanced by technology, it’s no wonder that your home should as well. With our help, we can help you have smart home locks that will help you get into your home without the help of a physical key.

Smart Home Locks in Asheville, North Carolina

With the variety of smart home locks out there, there are many ways that you can both enter and safely secure your home with the use of the right lock. With locks that work with keys as well as PIN pads, security cards, mobile access from your phone and specialized proximity cards, there are many ways that smart home locks can help streamline access to your Asheville, North Carolina home.

Whether you are renting your property, would like to be able to let a houseguest in from a distance or any other myriad of reasons when smart home locks would be beneficial for your use, please let our team here at A. L. Odom Locksmiths, Inc. know. Give us a call today and let’s get started on your smart home locks!

At A. L. Odom Locksmiths, Inc., we install smart home locks in Asheville, Hendersonville, Weaverville, Burnsville, Waynesville, Franklin, Greenville, Spartanburg, Fletcher, Arden, Marshall, Spruce Pine, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, and Buncombe County, North Carolina, as well as Newport and Knoxville, Tennessee.